St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
My Opinion
over 12 years ago
in response to Real888's message
I don't usually ever post. Just wanted to say that I am keeping my eye on the ball. I am not interested in recrimination, what's done is done now let's move on. Personally I am hanging in there as a long and am making the bet that, like a tight elastic band, some spark of good news on Tesoro or on one or more of the other sli ventures will jack up the sp. Personally I am taking the bet that we're not dead but at a point in a continuum and just as there are bad investing days, sometimes you get good days too. I really do believe that this is a process and this is one stage, albeit a crappy one. The part that saddens me is the time line. No one knows. I've been in this for eight years and though I wrench at the thought of another eight years, I can do another six months and I can do another six months after that if I have too and so on. I am months away from age 60. Time is my biggest fear, not today's news. This company has cash, optioned partners and is moving forward. I am betting that that spark of good news will happen and I hope soon but am resigned to waiting, as unpleasant as that is. I am in here to win! As I seldom ever post, I'd like to commend the Hub people for their good efforts, for without you there would be noortunity for a guy like me to speak with you. I'd like to respectfully offer a suggestion. Follow the Agoracom rules as you do, but do take pause and accord additional patience with views that are not all pro. Perhaps a respectful discourse of dissenting points of view might inject some clarity into the discussions. I suspect we all have our agendas but I for one want to hear a discourse that is polite, thoughtful and without hysteria. I just lost 50% today and I am sounding off. It may be therapeutic for me to slow down and write this stuff, it does help somewhat. I am sure there will be more days like this, so fasten your seat belts. Just to reiterate, I am betting on better days, sooner or later and am LONG SLI.
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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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