St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

I just noticed that our last release about the spin out just came out on Kitco, about 4 hours ago, via what appears to be a German site. Where this NR is maybe being circulated through a few more channels than normal, I hope potenial as well as existing investors see this for what its worth. That its a defensive tactic sometimes when a company feels that it may be or may come to be a take over target.They should also know, if there was a way, that our Peruvian properties are all back in our name, 100% owned, and may be another tell tale sign.

I have said before, and remain, that it doesn,t matter where our sp is at today, its what could happen overnight or at any time with this company, should we get a great hole or two. You could be .50 one minute and $5 the next, if we were lucky enough to receive the right news. I don,t really like to say this, but I have to, the 2 NR,s dealing with assays/drilling, tells us nothing really. Without knowing where these holes were drilled,is very important, not to mention that only test sections of the cores were reported. These test sections were not even a large enough sample to even be representative of the section of the core that they were taken from. This info is all YET to come, plus numerous trenching samples, bulk samples and more drill core assays.

This stock has a good chance at what I think may be a meteoric rise on some good news, and some are gonna miss it, because they may be missing the signs, of which a couple I mentioned at the start of this post. To me, this is like they said about Aurealian, the signs were there,no one knew how to read them. But what may be different with this case, is that lots knew about the sign,s, but they just didn,t believe them. Time will tell if this forum was right, and if we were/are right, it will most likely become part of a big story sometime down the road.


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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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