St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

The answer is really pretty simple in my opinion. It has nothing to do with Lori's performance, Lori's interviews or Lori this or Lori that. As all of us know, many times we do not know what Lori is doing and it is not our job, nor is it our right to know what Lori does on a daily basis. Lori's job is to make this company successful and by doing this, all of us will be very, very happy. Having said all this, Lori has really done a great job since the AGM of giving us updated reports including time lines (which she had previously said she wouldn't give us). She's given us info on her drilling plans and has continually updated us on the staff and why she made some major changes in the directors. All of these announcements should have been relished by the shareholders, and I'm sure they were, except it does not show in the share price. So if anyone has anything to say about Lori in a negative sense, it should be that the stock got to $2 plus and is now at 72 cents. Quite frankly, to answer the title of this post, the reason the stock is at 72 cents is because of the first drilling results, not because of anything Lori has done. The non-geologically astute investors such as myself looked at that report, in my opinion, and assumed that we didn't have the gold that they inspected we had. Investors were thinking in ounces per ton and that report came out in low grams per ton. The geologically astute investors on these boards did a great job of deciphering that report pointing out all of the good potential that that report could project. People like Sculpin and many other competent SLI shareholders pointed out comparisons at other similar gold properties and the subsequent outcomes after those properties' earliest uninspiring reports came out. One of their outcomes seemed like our most recent report and it appeared that there was not going to be a lot of gold, and then "eureka" they struck huge gold deposits and their stock subsequently roared. So to summarize, apart from all the company is doing, it seems to be on the right track as Mrs. Kramer alluded to in one of her recent posts. In fact, it appears we have more than enough power to generate expedious and exciting drilling reports in the near future. When that occurs, I expect like all of you that our share price will escalate. So although many of us want to blame the shorters, Lori, the past directors, etc. etc., the proof in SLI's real value will only come from us proving that there's gold beyond our wildest beliefs at Tesoro. I wish us all luck in that belief and in our projected successful investment in SLI. JW

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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