St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

The answer in my opinion is real simple. The investors perceived that we were driling in the anomaly and that when the results came out the shares would skyrocket and we would all be rich!.... Nice plan if you can call it that.

So what can we do to get back there and more. I propose the following:

1. Management should outline the drilling program.... it's GOALS and the step by step proposed drilling plan and the reasons for that plan. (WE don't need geological precision in their plan just where are they going to drill and why?) We don't need specific timetables (we know Lori is reluctant to give them and I can understand some of her reasons). We need to know if they are just attempting to size the anomalies so that if some of the results come out poorly (outside the borders) we'll know that it was a hole drilled to find a boundary. It appears to me that that is what just spooked the investors. Remember also that not all of our investors have a geological background (I don't just mechanical engineering). I'm sure even Hedge funds just want to know how much gold is there and what can it be sold for and when!

2. We need a PR program (not just Lori reporting results). WE need Lori or some SLI spokesperson to get out there and let people ( future investors) know about the potential find that we may have and the steps that the company is taking to prove it. Murry has been fabulous at it.

3. We need ongoing projections of what the Tesoro mine is potentialy capable of producing in gold (we need to know the approximate size of the anomalies and the average concentrations of gold ) and investors can draw their own conclusions (Sculpin can aid us in this task). We also need projections of the concentrations for all other parts of the property and a total can be made from all areas using the average concentrations. ( I'm not a geologist but Sculpin I'm sure can do this type of work and give us his best ongoing estimates of total gold at Tesoro, as he is not an employee (I presume) and isn't bound by the same rules as the employees and officers are at the company about giving projections of size and presumed value.

4. We need to keep the attitude of our fellow investors high and we should all be telling the world of the potential find we have in Tesoro. (If the above 3 steps are followed and the Quantec report and other past reports were correct the results will come out as we all hope and the stock will climb.

In summary: investors will only buy a stock if they think it's going up. Investors will only buy a gold stock if they think there is enough gold in the ground to warrant the share price going up in the future (that is why the ongoing drilling plan objectives and expected results are so key). Remember this ....Tesoro can have 70,000,000 ouces of gold and if investors aren't told how we are going to prove that, they will not believe the company and they will sell. It's up to the company (giving ongoing proof) and the people on this forum to rally the investors and let them know of the (Gold MINE) we believe we have at Tesoro. JW

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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