St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

Once the assays start coming out, and if they are good, the retail investor will most likely not play a big part in the sp. The institutions will jump on board with their own analysts and take this stock where it is destined to go. The better the results, the quicker this will happen. These big guys are waiting for the factual trenching and drilling results so they have something concrete to push to their clients and reinforce their own positions. If the results are good enough to make this happen, there will be little use in educating anyone new at the higher sp levels.

As was said a couple times before here, if it looks like a winner in the early days, buy, and buy as much as you can, because thats how you make your money. I believe we are at the point now that, pretty much the bulk of retail that would own this stock, are already here. This is the pivot point. Everyone is in from this retail side, now we may see some bigger investors, such as the Chinese ,help take this stock to a new level. If this is as good as most of us believe, there will be little need for this forum, the analysts will be putting out the interpretaions and predictions.

Apparently there is enough retail/individuals invested in this by now to form the base for the sp to bounce off. I believe the evidence is obvious in our sp that SLI has succeeded in accomplishing a strong share price, now they must take the next step up the ladder. Herb Haft said at the AGM, a strength of a stock, is to have its investors scattered all over, the Chinese trip will fit in there well, and add to the diversification.

I really can,t see results being bad and the repercussions of us being slaughtered like lambs and Lori being made a laughing stock of the mining industry. I don,t believe she would have did the 2 video interviews and send a delegation to China, unless she had very good reason to believe that results would be good or better. So, do we have to know ourselves if assays are good? I don,t think so, the market will tell us that at this stage in the game. If not, someone else will most likely come along and educate, where others have failed.

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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