St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
Give it up people
almost 13 years ago
in response to Lazor99's message

We are all bit players here! There are 120 MM shares out there and I would be very surprised if the total held by EVERYONE on the board is much more than 1 or 2%.

The hub leaders provide technical information and good insight for novice investors but at the end of the day the shares are controllerd by insiders. Lori will do want she wants and when she wants. Even Murray who is a VP mentioned often and some of you know well does not know what the plans are or even when releases will come out.

If you have faith in what has been shared here by the leaders who have done extensive research then keep quiet, read, listen and take the ride. I have been in sveral of these types of plays and have never come accross something with so much potential. If the numbers and anywhere close to what our leaders have calculater then SLI will make BRE-X which went north of $200 (before the scam came out) look like chump change.

Wasting forum time because someone chartered a helicopter, jet or flew first class is a bloddy waste of time. That is how corp execs travel and yes it cost more than your discounted expedia flight. If you don't have specialized knowledge don't critisize the hub leaders who have done extensive DD.

It is fine to formulate questions for the AGM but I doubt very much you will get the type of answers you are expecting to get.......

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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