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Criminal behaviour

Lori's actions are now beyond the legal. She cannot arbitrarily "discount" the wishes of more than 70% of the shareholders! This is NOT a private company, and her technicalities are a crappy attempt to try to maintain control of what she has run into the ground!!!

It not the regulators now, it the criminal court she will have to answer to.

over 11 years ago


Watch the shareprice climb once all the secrets come out!!!!!

over 11 years ago
Re: PP


1. doubt she has many friends left. afterall she could not scroung anywhere near enough money for the IGD placement.

2. $10 mil is a lot of cash for any indivicual or consortium, even a big company. Either somebody has exctremely deep pockets and williong P away this much on a high risk penny stock....OR they have informatin we do not and it is not a risk.

The latter is likely but even so an indiviudal would have trouble coming up with $10 Mil so I suspect its a company.

In either case, this represents almost 50% of the pie. there are discluse rules when somebody even approachs 10% let alone controlling interest.

almost 12 years ago

anybody know the status of the PP? even moreimportant who is the buyer?

this is a big chunk of chage and I am thinking perhaps a large company is putting up the $10Mil....

almost 12 years ago
Re: NR

What? artisan?

22 gr/t with ave of 1.35 and that is just the crap on the surface that you have to get rid of to get to the veins!!

Man you are smokin the wrong stuff

Lets see what happens on open....

about 12 years ago
Re: Enlighten me


your argument is illogical, completely.

First if Lori "knew there was nothing there, why did she not sell when the stock was at $2.50+?

Second, why did she no pupmp by drilling where you know the viens are (look at Sculpin's post) and then dump at a higher price. the places she driled do not make sense at att.

If this is a delay tactic I suspect it is for another reason. Keep in mind they had trenching samples way before they started drilling.

You REALLY think they put those aside when they started drilling?????

about 12 years ago
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