St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

First off, thanks for all the support you guys are showing for the hub leaders.

As far as I know, BOW said he is staying in his last post.

Hog said he will still make an occasional post and is currently thinking hard on how much he will contribute in the future.

The last time I talked to Kemo, he was pretty disgusted, and I am not sure of his decision.

I beleive Jake is staying.

I said I will stay but just not spend as much time here as I used to.

This forum has grown so big here lately, and its become almost impossible to do DD and moderate the board. That is one of the biggest problems that has brought this forum to this point we are at right now. When we have to answer simple questions that have been answered numerous times before, that takes time from us that could have been avoided by the person doing a google search, or another prominent poster here stepping up to the plate and doing it. We need/needed help to keep this forum to the calibre it was, we can,t do it alone, our valuable time that we spent doing DD was/is being used up by trying to moderate and answer questions. There are a lot of informed, educated and intelligent posters here now, we need these guys/gals to help out with the petty stuff and the DD, so that maybe we would have more time for the DD that we do.

We now have a 174 page circular out that explains what we will be voting on at the AGM. It came out Friday night or Saturday morning. Hog was pretty well through the whole thing by 11 am my time Saturday morning, I just got through it last night. This is an important piece of paper and should be read by everyone so they know what they are voting on.

There have been concerns put on this board this last week that got a lot here up in arms. They may be legitimate concerns but it seemed that some here were jumping the gun and were prepared to act on speculation. It is my opinion, and common sense that tells me you cannot act on something of this nature with no facts to back you up. It was good to see people ready to fight for what they beleive in and support their investment, but without all the facts, it could backfire and a lot of damage could be caused to yourselves and your investment. For ex, its no use to go to court with speculation as evidence, you are not going to win.

The discussion here yesterday and today should have been on the circular. Any FACTUAL concerns from this circular should have been looked at and discussed here. Yet, I don,t see a post on here about it. I understand everyone was concerned with the hub leaders and that their DD time was most likely taken away from them by trying keep this forum to what it was. But time is running out to understand the circular. If there are legitimate concerns in there that need to be addressed, maybe its better to address them and carry them forward as a unified group, they have a better chance of success.

Its not the brownie points we hub leaders need, its the help of other posters. Nevertheless, an important post should get thumbs up so it can signal to others that there must be something important in it. Also, as you have seen, it puts the most up in the most thumbs up area where even new comers can see this post immediately. This type of action on the thumbs up is more important now than it ever was. As we get more posters here, with 2-3 pages of posts per day, valuable information is getting buried. As new comers come to this board they will need that info to understand their investment and help support everyone as a group.It is for the benefit of all and only strengthens our stock.

We need to remain united and well informed to move forward. This forum has been attacked a few times by bashers and will be again in the future,we must be a threat to someone? But what the dummies don,t, they are most likely making us stronger .This investment seems like it is worthy of this sort of attention, so if you want to help and be a part of this, you know what to do.

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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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