St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company
Re: ATB Financial
almost 13 years ago
in response to hogtown6's message

I have mixed feelings about the tone of the forum recently for a couple of reasons. I understand excitement is human nature, and I believe in the power of cumulating positive energy, so in many ways the multiple posts with reference to triple digits and retirement are fantastic.

However, this type of sentiment, when pushed too far, begins to sound childish. While fortunes have been made on the TSX Venture, many have also been lost. This is an investment and not a lottery.

I feel happiness for the many new investors who could stand to make a very large sum on SLI in a very short amount of time. However, I feel sadness for them as well, because if they ever, for one second, think SLI and this forum are typical of investing, they may stand to lose all they gain in a very short period of time as well.

When I began investing several years ago, I nearly lost my shirt on emotion and bull board BS. Fortunately my shirt wasn’t worth much in those days, and I learned my lesson once it had been pounded into my thick skull deep enough.

My advice (for what it’s worth) is pay attention and think positively, but keep your feet firmly planted on terra firma, because this isn’t even close to wrapping up anytime soon IMHO. It has been said on this forum before, but if you find yourself living and dying by the daily share pops, this isn’t the play for you.

Many investors who post and read here have been invested in this stock for 8+ years. Let me write that again: 8+ years.

I have only been in SLI for 2.5 years, and even I feel a touch of disrespect and disappointment when reading posts that essentially amount to: “okaaay, I’m here… I’ve bought my shares… where’s my millions??? come on already…”. I certainly can’t speak for the hub leaders who have, on their own accord, created this forum which provides the confidence for people to suddenly have attitudes like the one I’ve exaggerated above, but I feel disrespect for them in these impatient posts as well.

I don’t mean to bring anyone down; I wish good luck and good fortune to all, and I believe it will come with St. Elias.

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