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civil class-action

A civil class-action suit must have been discussed by several of us at some point? Just wondering if there is a summary of the conversation(s) anywhere? Please PM me if you have more information.


over 10 years ago

May I suggest a cc to marketplace@cbc.ca with each email sent to a regulator or SLI?

Joe Queenan and William P. Barrett are also authors who have written about the corruption of the BC Venture. Perhaps it's worth contacting them? It's potentially such a huge story people are reluctant to tackle it in my opinion.

Many shareholders are also cash strapped and beaten, so it's really tough to mount a strong, coordinated, and sustained resistance.

Thanks Rick for all you have done. It is much appreciated.

Has/could a group of shareholders look at a civil suit against Lori? Is that even a possibility?

over 10 years ago

So I guess the fact that 91% of shareholders don't want Lori involved in the company they own means nothing.

And the fact that Lori manipulated the AGM dates to impede our attempt to organize the green proxy means nothing.

Nothing like getting off on a technicality hey Lori? I feel sorry for you because karma always wins; you'll get what you deserve.

over 11 years ago
Re: A class action law suit by us could bust the BCSC

I agree Sculpin, and I strongly urge those who have not sent a formal complaint to the BCSC about St. Elias Mines and Lori McClenahan refusing to acknowledge her shareholders votes to consider doing so.

I sent in a formal complaint last week by following this link:


In my complaint I focused on one thing: Lori McClenahan, as President and CEO of St. Elias Mines, refusing to acknowledge the overwhelming vote of St. Elias shareholders. I would recommend if you are considering a formal complaint to focus on this point only as many on this forum have suggested and as the Green Team's legal representation is also doing.

Even though there are many, many other reasons to file complaint after complaint about how this company has been run, focusing on this point only gives authorities and regulators one clear cut reason to investigate St. Elias Mines which could speed up the entire process by a large measure.

Below is the response I received from the BCSC:

Thank you for contacting the British Columbia Securities Commission regarding St. Elias Mines Ltd.

Complaints, such as yours, are important to us. They can be the first indicator of a scam or other wrongdoing. We carefully consider each complaint.

We investigate complaints to enforce compliance with the Securities Act and to sanction securities market misconduct. We also refer complaints to other regulatory jurisdictions or self-regulatory bodies when appropriate. Not all complaints result in an investigation or a public sanction.

Staff cannot comment on an investigation unless it becomes a matter of public record. By keeping information confidential, we protect the integrity of investigations, ensure the complaint process is not used to affect the market, and maintain fairness to those who may be the subject of a complaint that does not result in an investigation or sanction .

We appreciate that you made the effort to send us this information. We will contact you again if further information is required.

In the meantime, if you have any comments or questions, contact our Inquiries Group in Vancouver at (604) 899-6854 or toll free 1-800-373-6393 or email: Inquiries@bcsc.bc.ca.

Please refer to your Enquiry Log number listed below. Thank you again for taking the time to contact us.

Enquiry Log: ######

British Columbia Securities Commission
PO Box 10142, Pacific Centre
701 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC V7Y 1L2

604 899-6500 - Main switchboard
604 899-6854 - Inquiries or Complaints
1 800 373-6393 - Toll Free in Canada
604 899-6506 - Fax

over 11 years ago
Thank You

Today's NR is excellent reporting. When our legal team gets in front of a judge and it becomes clear that “the Dissidents” are 91% of St. Elias shareholders, and that “The Company” is Lori McClenahan and her undemocratically and self-appointed BOD, many of our arguments will have already been made for us in the form of black and white official company news releases.

An example from today’s NR: The statement “The Company intends to vigorously defend itself against this action by the Dissidents” in reality translates into “The CEO and BOD intend to fight to retain their positions against the wishes of the overwhelming majority of company shareholders and the CEO and BOD intend to do this with company funds”.


over 11 years ago
Issuing Complaints

I'm sure these links have been posted already, but I'm sending out my official complaints today and thought I'd send the links again.





over 11 years ago
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