St. Elias Mines

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Re: Just a theory
almost 13 years ago
in response to hogtown6's message

Excellent collection Hog, now I will throw another abnormal into the mix.

Why would management be exercising cheap warrants, selling them ,then turning around and buying a more expensive PP? They would double their shares by doing this, but really, how much logic would be in this type of action at this time.

The latest PP was high priced at $1.80 in relation to the low priced warrants that are being sold to pay for the PP. Consider the immediate tax implications and why would someone put theirselves into this situation if the near future payout wouldn,t far outweigh the near term tax implications?

There is also selling of common shares at $2.03-5 that just showed up on inside trading. Its pretty apparent that these $2 shares are being sold to buy $1.80 shares in the PP. But if we look past the puny .20 gain, which taxes would quickly gobble up, the only GAIN here is they are getting DOUBLE the shares! Why would they sacrifice existing shares to double their positions at this time. Seems like they are trying to get the maximum amount of shares under their belt as they can, NO MATTER WHAT THE COST. Its not a bad thing, the only rational that I can see is that it must be indicative of good things to come.

Why go and do a PP now that management would take most of it? Do we really need the money? The timing is questionable with me of the people taking up a lot of this PP. The only real benefit that I see at this time for the participants, is the doubling of shares at a costly price. Don,t forget the last 3 million options issued at $2 when thinking about how many more shares management are taking up. With Aurealian, a lot of options and warrants were issued and taking up by management before the offer.

Could this be the last piece of the puzzle that connects everything and draws the complete picture?

This is only my opinion and the way I am seeing this, I could be off base here, but can anyone offer a better explanation?

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