St. Elias Mines

Welcome To the St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company

I am new and live in the United States. I purchased my first shares of SELSF from the pink sheets via means of Scottrade. I guess St. Elias Mines goes under the symbol SLI in Canada. I have a few concerns and if anyone would like to address them I would be grateful.

(1) I was concerned about liquidity down here. Yesterday I don't think a single share was traded of SELSF according to Scottrade and today only 2300 shares traded. Is it possible that everything would work out great with the Tesoro Project and yet a guy like me down here in the U.S. be unable to sell his shares when the buyout comes? (Stupid question I know but when you are ignorant you are ignorant.)

(2) I would like to purchase more shares but will have to do so over time. How much time do you think a man realistically has to purchase shares before the price skyrockets?

(3) I have been reading from some of you guys about voting rights. Do I have any? Do you have to have had your shares a certain period of time in order to vote. How to I make sure I can vote when the time comes?

Finally, you guys are great. No other message board I have run across can compare to this one. Truly an educated group of investors who teach and train and help one another versus other boards that just bash and trash not only the stocks but each other. You Canadians can hold your head high versus the people from the U.S. who post on the Yahoo stock boards. Between you guys and Red Green I have taken a real liking to Canada.

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Coal City, Indiana
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St. Elias Mines
130.4 M (FD) : Nov 29, 2011
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