Star Navigation Systems Group Ltd.

Signed a Technical Partnership Agreement with Astrium, a wholly owned subsidiary of EADS, to enhance and implement the patented In-flight Safety Monitoring System (ISMS™) – the next generation of aircraft data transmission systems.

For those of you wondering what is going on I have posted previously about the short position and how it works. Check previous posts if you have not read them.

I have been tracking trades on a daily basis and my spread sheets tell me that a particular individual from the TD trading house has been consistantly selling stocks bringing the share price down. This individual has sold off 3-5 million shares since April 6 and always to drop the share price. This has been occurring almost daily.

The question is when will this particular person or group sell off all their shares because that is when the selling off stops unless other sellers decide that they want to sell too.

The good news is that people are buying those shares and it seems that many bidders are bidding and building a wall at .25

The person or group that has shorted the stock have made a pile of money perhaps to the tune of $300,000 as well as the sell off of shares from .55 to this point.

In my opinion they are flush with money and if they wished to could buy up twice the amount of stocks that they had previously at these prices.

Here is a great question for you. Are you the one to sell to them at these share prices?

The open market is a thing of beauty and this stock has been a day traders dream. The action has been nonstop. Sell if you want but analize who buys them. You can only tell if you track all the trades on a spread sheet.

Anyone who I know on this hub if you want send me a private message and I will send them to you. Wont get to it till Monday as I am just leaving the office for a great weekend of fishing.

Good Vibes All!!!


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