Star Navigation Systems Group Ltd.

Signed a Technical Partnership Agreement with Astrium, a wholly owned subsidiary of EADS, to enhance and implement the patented In-flight Safety Monitoring System (ISMS™) – the next generation of aircraft data transmission systems.
in response to KAREN FISHER's message

I have to admit I do not get it either. I have a feeling it has something to do with one of the following:

a) shorting

b) dilution of shares. There are a number of private placement shares with warrants attached at .30 cents coming due soon. I know this because I have some. When those come due some people might sell and cause the share price to drop. If you were day trading and not looking at the long term, you might be tempted to get out now and see what happens from May to June. The more private placements a company has the more diluted the stock least that is my take on it. Any ideas if this is true?

c) continued concern over lack of revenues. I know this concerns me but not as much as it used to with the Astrium/EADS partnership. As long as STAR can continue to pay their bills in the short term, the long term investment could be huge. It might take a few years!

d) people taking profits off the table!!

Either way, this is a penny stock and everyone should do their due diligence and be comfortable in their decisions. I know I purchased more at .30 and .40 because I am looking more at long term potential but also am nervous about where it will go in the next year or so. Yes, it is disappointing knowing I could have purchased additional units at .28ish...sure....but welcome to the stock market. In the end, I am nervous because this is a penny stock without revenues. Anything could happen!

I am excited to learn from all of you.

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