Sage Gold Inc.

60% Clavos gold mine (produced in 2007), Timmins (SAS-t); +150,000 acres in Beardmore-Geraldton. Further exploration on Pillars, Paint Lake, and Golden Extension. Identify and acquire new property with near-term production potential.
Re: Shafts...
almost 15 years ago
in response to red911's message

Are there any historical shafts on SGX BG property?......

I think there is red911. I'm not sure why the answer you got says there isn't.

Firstly, we know a historical mineshaft exists on the Onaman property. SGX even mentions it on their website.

Next, it appears there was one at King Solomons Pillar's, the portion SGX just picked up. Here's a brief mention of it from a filed report in 1966 or so.....

"The property under inspection here is located between Leitch and Macleod-Cockshutt. Leitch was forced to close down operations last year (1965). As reported in the forty-sixth annual report of the Ontario Dept. of Mines, Vol. XL VI, Part l, 1937, the work on claims in Leduc-Walters townships presently in the hands of Drs. Stolove and Van Ornian was started in 1936. " In May a 3 compartment, 18 by B foot, vertical shaft was sunk about 50 foot south of the vein. The vein consists of quartz and calcite gangue in banded Iron formation, striking about N. 70 degrees E. and dipping slighty to the north. Before sinking, the vein was explored on surface for a length of 154 foot and is reported to average 0.34 ounces, over an average width of 7 feet. The shaft was sunk 300 feet, with levels at 150 and 275 feet. On the 150 foot level, 489 feet of drifting and 274 feet of cross cutting, and on the 275 foot level, 95 feet of drifting and 118 feet of cross cutting were done."

Work done by Dr. Stolove and associates in 1965 by stripping, blasting and sampling has proved the shear to contain gold over a length of 1850 feet. The greatest assay of 1.42 oz

of gold per ton was taken approximately 1250 feet west of the shaft. The width of the shear zone doesn't diminish and more work needs to be done to locate the western limit of the gold-bearing shear. The highest gold values were obtained from the part of the shear containing the greatest amount of arsenopyrite. It must therefore, be assumed that the gold is intimately associated with the arsenopyrite. However in some areas that we sampled, no arsenopyrite was apparent. If the arsenopyrite was carried into these fractures by hot aqueous solutions then the gold was concentrated in the same way at the same time. It seems reasonable that the gold was deposited with the sediments as a very low grade placer deposit and was later concentrated by the previously mentioned hydrothermal solutions."


this is where I think its located....

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