Probe Mines

Growth through Discovery Canadian Base and Precious Metal Exploration
in response to rosehill's message

“Dave and his team know more about Borden Lake than we ever will. I’m certain they have considered many options for drilling to minimize the impact on the community. Exploration takes time and a lot of patience. I was hoping the price would stabilize above $3/share . It now looks like we won’t see this level until Q1 2015.How low will it go?” Rosehill response to GH

I have confidence in Dave and the team to zero in on the higher grade target with the Infill program. These were only the first 5 holes, which I consider one of which actually hitting the target and the rest a little off. The comment from Cormark is worth noting, “Attempts Angled Holes from the Shore” under their highlights section stating,

These are tricky holes to drill and while hole BL14-621W cut 7.0 g/t over 21.0 m

(above resource grade) the remaining drilling appears to have missed the

“guts” of the zone and returned 3-14 m of 1-5 g/t Au material. We believe

results confirm the potential to add higher grade material to the southeast but

will require more drilling once the lake freezes over (to allow full access) in

order to be conclusive.”

As for the first quote,” How low will it go?” I think Probe has been one of the best junior investment on the TSXV, these past few years and still will be, going forward. Do you realize the TSXV is still down 67% from it’s high before the Financial Crisis back in 2008. It’s amazing that the Major Indexes (Dow, S&P) have fully recovered and are making all-time highs, and as far as I know the Nasdaq and Russell 2000 small-caps are near the highs. Why is the Canadian small cap Venture still in a 7 year Bear Market and still down by 67%? Is the Financial Crisis still ongoing?

Here’s a quote from 29 Apr 2012 more than 2 years ago, from an analyst friend recommending buying the Venture. The price comparison of commodities has changed somewhat but this is still relevant today and bids asking the same question, why the Venture has not recovered?

“In October of 2003, the TSX Venture Exchange traded at the same level it does today. What's important to note about October 2003 is that gold traded for roughly $380 an ounce - it trades 425% higher today. In October of 2003, silver traded for about $5 an ounce - it trades 600% higher today. In October of 2003, a barrel of oil traded for $30 - it trades 320% higher today. In October 2003, Comex copper traded for $0.92 - it currently trades 415% higher.”

The correction levels of TSXV since 2007,

“The next significant correction was the worst any of us have ever seen, but it set up a golden rally for those that stayed at the table and kept buying. After hitting 3,173.64 on November 6, 2007,(before the Financial Crisis and FED interventions) the TSX Venture went on a 13 month decline and bottomed out at 686 on December 9, 2008. This marked a 78.3% decline over a 13 month period. Great companies with world-class assets were deemed worthless by the market. What a mistake that turned out to be for those selling anywhere near the lows. After the TSX Venture bottomed out, it went on a 27 month rally and hit 2,439.83 on March 4, 2011 (POG peaked in Sep 2011 over $1900 during Operation Twist after QE1 & QE2). This marked a 255% gain in just over 2 years - the greatest rally for any of the major markets in North America during that time period.

(QE 1 – 25 Nov 2008 $600B POG$820.50, 18 Mar 2009 $750B POG$893.25)

( QE2 -3 Nov 2010 $600B POG$1345.50)

(Operation Twist – 2011 $400B POG3Jan2011 $1388.50, 5 Sept 2011 $1895.00)

The Monetary Expansions of QE1, QE2 & Twist made POG rise to $1900

(QE3 – 13 Sep 2012, $40Bmortgage/mo + $45B Treasuries/mo POG $1733.25, POG low 5 Jul 2013 $1212.00,Taperingstart Jan 2014 -$10B/mo)

Monetary expansion continued with QE3, with the Fed’s Balance sheet now over $4 Trillion, though POG reversed to $1200, why? All POG – London Fix

The next significant correction for the TSX Venture is the one we currently find ourselves in. Although there was a short-lived rally at the start of 2012, the downtrend in the TSX Venture has been steady since March 4th of last year. Since hitting 2,439.83 on March 4, 2011(POG High $1895 London Fix 5 Sep 2011), the TSX Venture has collapsed down to as low as 1333 on October 4, 2011 (it has been bumping along the bottom ever since). That marks a 45.5% decline from its March 4th 2011 value. That also marks the 2nd largest drop in the history of this exchange. Now, given that we have been bumping along near the bottom of this collapse for 7 months, one can argue that 'this time is different'. However, every time a market crash occurs, that argument is brought to the forefront.”

In 2013 the Venture hit lows of 859.31 (June) and 883.52 (December) From the “Financial Crisis” lows of 686 in 2008, Today 5.5 years later, 8 July 2014, CDNX is at 1026.72 a long way from pre-crisis 3173.64 in 2007, and actually still down by 67.6%.

IMO, a manipulated POG after Operation Twist that is killing the TSXV, and still within Monetary Expansion framework policies that continue to this day in the USA, Europe and Japan. China loves the POG suppression by the Gold Cartel Banksters, as the Gold wealth is transferred from West to East.

Probe must be a good Stock at today’s artificial pog and as a member of the still beaten down CDNX Venture Exchange, that imo will only go much higher when the shackles of the Gold Manipulation end. Hopefully soon!

Cheers, Mark

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