Probe Mines

Growth through Discovery Canadian Base and Precious Metal Exploration
in response to rosehill's message


Dave may be too systematic, and since he has the desire to become a mine deleveloper, rather than an explorer, he is doing thing quite conservatively to prove up the resource. He could be a bit more adventurous.

So drilling on a barge may not be feasible (but has PRB try to find the reaction from the cottagers? e.g. PRB could offer drilling during the day only, and not to disturb the loons at night) due to potential complaints from the cottagers in the Summer, but some of the cottagers would stay there year-round hence drill on ice will meet potential complaints as well, as drilling gets closer to their properties. One option to get around this problem is to buy them off. How many cottages, and at what price? Would $2-3M do?

Another option would be setting up a directional drill so that you could reach potential targets from one drill pad. Find a good spot to locate this deep/long/steerable drill. And this drill should be used for exploring potential extension, rather than in-fill for updating the resource estimate, e.g. upgrading inferred to indicated.

Investors (and potential suitors) don't really care about the difference anyway. It would be more exciting for them to see potential of a new deposit. One good hole at another spot away from the current deposit outline would send the SP way up in my view.

How about having some quiet (both noise and otherwise) drilling behind and far enough from the cottages in the same SE direction but ion the 100% PRB claims? A good hole there would also be a game changer.

Ditto for the drilling on the East Limb (is there currently any quiet drilling there? any confirmation?)

Just speculating.


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