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goldhunter11's Posts

Re: Probe Metals Options the Monique Property from Richmont Mines


Thanks for the NR.

It looks like PRB now has a good spread around the New Beliveau deposit (Bonnefond North, plus 2 new ones). It should have labelled the trends specially the Monique Trend which is running through the Monique and the Island Garrison? East Trend that runs through Boudrias. Dr. Dave seems to on an expansion mode. Just less than 5km away is ICG Sigma 2. This piece along with the spread south of Bonnefond North would complete that part of the puzzle on the east side of Val d'Or (including the eastern part of AZX).


over 7 years ago
C2 Bulk Sampling Area and RE rough guess

Posted on the other side, excerpts with some modifications posted here for info.


"I just took your number (wwadwhammer) and re-worked them in gpt-m and then the  average value. I came up with an average of 25.5 gpt-m which is around 30gpt-m which is  considered as economically viable... and an average grade of ~6.8gpt. Note that the area for C2 bulk sampling (grey outlined) in the diagram shown in the last NR has various contours with a large  central portion with gold grade x thickness > 50 (blueish pink) so the average of 25.5 is much lower. Kindly check my math. (Note: WWH said his numbers may be on the low side).

- If we took the average grade of 6.77 ppt a 20,000 tonnes bulk sample would give
20,000 tonnnes x 6.77gpt/31 = 4367 ozAu x $500 profit/oz ~$2M profit.

- RE of C1 and C2 above 300m (from 0 level up to the surface) assuming 100m  width (measured into the page):
Caesars, in the link below, has a good diagram of Triangle.

By eye-balling, this zone (from surface to 300m depth) has about 5 "cubes" of 100m on each side.
5 x (100 x 100 x 100 x 2.8 x 6.77gpt/31) = 5 x 0.61Moz = ~3MozAu (devided by 2 to be conservative) = 1.5MozAu for C1 and C2 (from surface to 300m depth).

And that is for a width of 100m. A width of 200m would get back the 3MozAu for C1 and C2 from surface to 300m depth.

Moving down another 100m would add 2 more cubes (100m side) from C3, etc...Note, this is only a guess from eye-balling the diagram, but it would show the general trend and magitude of Triangle (and #4 Plug) RE.
Read more at "

over 7 years ago
Royal Bank Initial Coverage and some speculation

Posted on the other side, post here for info.

G would save most of the cash from the sales of its two S America properties and would use a share exchange for any TO or merger. It might want to infuse the NewCo with a whole bunch of cash for further exploration (of the north side and elwhere) for some 15% of NewCo. This is PRB playbook.




- RB Initial coverage: Target 1.00/s (don't have the link to the original report, anyone?)

- It also mentioned the old targets: Raymond James: 1.10/s and BMO: 1.25/s, and an average of 1.07/s. No idea how they calculated this average, but this is not the same as reported by ICG (ave: 1.16, max 1.75), see slide 25 in the Corp Presentation, link at the end. This slide is highly informative (only 1 glance is needed to hoist in all info). It`s probably time for ICG to update this slide to squeeze in more coverage.

Just a math exercise while we discuss the SP value.

A 50% premium of this average would give 1.16 x1.5 = 1.74. So, an offer of $2.00 per share, i.e. a 70% premium, (in G shares and a large chunk of cash for NewCo, say around $100M) would win quite a few yes votes. This assumes that G would pull out its PRB playbook and propose a 15% stake in the NewCo.


over 7 years ago
Something is cooking - High Volume today

Somebody (assumed by this conspiracy theory) is accummulating something like 1%OS today (0.8% on TSX with 5 trades, and another 0.2% on other exchanges...Ref. Stockwatch, Total Volume: 6.436Ms, TSX: 5.420Ms).

With another 1.5% from the FT @1.00/s before X-mas this entity now has ~2.5%OS, noting the PEA is due late January 2017 (some 2 weeks away).

Just speculating.


over 7 years ago
Re: Integra Gold Intersects...incl. 66.4gpt over 5.10m)


Nice results, I changed the title slightly to fit what's written below. Hope that you would not mind.

66.4 gpt x 5.10 m = 338 gpt-m (way above 30 gpt-m which would be considered as ecomically viable rock).

1m3 of this rock would bring in 338 gpt-m x 1m2 x 2.8/31 = 30.5 ozAu. Just one scoop of 1m3 would bring in 30.5 oz x $500/oz (profit, assuming PoG @ Cdn $1500/oz) = $15,000/scoop. Very nice scoop.


over 7 years ago
ELD War chest - Enough for a TO of ICG?

In a post on the other side I said: "Anyhow, it looks like the net cash is something like $0.5B in ELD war chest. Would that be good enough for the rest of ICG? Presumably ELD would try a share conversion option first to conserve the cash.
Read more at"

So, if ELD has $500M (assuming in USD = 500 x 1.3 = Cdn $650M) that would be enough to offer a similar amount to ICG just for the deposit at Triangle plus near by satellite deposits. For the sake of argument let's assume that is what ICG calla the Lamaque Gold Project (Lamaque South). After, the the up coming PEA and the updated RE in Q1 2017, the RE would be in the order of 4MozAu. Since ELD has people in the Technical Team of this project, it would already have a good idea of the contents of the PEA and the updated RE. If not, they can crank out the numbers by themselves.

How much would be a fair offer?

- If ELD offered $1/s for each of the 86% of ICG (or ~430Ms) the cash cost would be ~ $430M, or ELD can issue 430Ms/4.5 = 95M ELD shares using 4.5/1 conversion (ELD SP: $4.5/s). Share dilution would be ~12%, which is quite small. That means there is some room for ELD to sweeten the deal a bit more.

- At $1.25/s, the conversion of 3.6/1, i.e. ELD to issue 430M ICG shares/3.6 = 119M ELD shares @ 119/(716 +119) = ~14% dilution.

Just my speculation. What do you say, take the cash and run?


over 7 years ago
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