Probe Mines

Growth through Discovery Canadian Base and Precious Metal Exploration
in response to FANTOMAS's message

Hello Fantomas,

Good news indeed and good catch. Thank you.

Dividing the claims into 3 separate parcels 1, 2 &3 is a logical step, and a step in the right direction. Renaming of the claims also make it transparent what claims belong to which parcel.

For example, parcel 1, Borden Gold Project, includes the current deposit in the main gold zone + the surrounding claims including the lake and the "pig snout" just east of the lake. The "wedge" between the PRB SE zone and the lake (PRB's) and some claims on the other side of the lake seem to be in someone's hands (classified as patent claim, but could be NIK ...that why NIK shot up today? Just speculation, of course). It would be nice to get the wedge and the other patent claims as well, but PRB can go around to get access to underneath the lake and the claims on the SE side of the lake, if required.

Parcel 2: about double the Invanhoe/Ava-Claire areas.

Parcel 3: REC JV

My take is that Dave is wrapping parcel 1 in as nice and neat chunk to be sold off, if the price is right. He might want to develop this into a mine, but this would require big buck like a few $B and a min. of 2-3 years to get the mine into production. The SP will respond according to the well-known general trend (Ref. The famous SP curve, peaking when the euphoria is over, heading down during financing and mine development, and crawling back up if it's smooth sailing [seldom] during the mine construction and when production begins). Personally, my exit point would be around the time a decision (by PRB) is taken to proceed with the mine development, since I am not patient enough to wait for sevral years. But, this is just me. Others may do things differently. I may stay in with the remaining of PRB, if the proceeds from the sale of the parcel 1 is distributed to shareholders.

Following the sale of Parcel 1, Dave would still have enough real estate, parcels 2&3 (and $$$) for his hobby. He's good at this though, and has created wealth for shareholders.


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