Probe Mines

Growth through Discovery Canadian Base and Precious Metal Exploration

In 1987 the stock market crashed. As a result, the Crash Protection Team was created. Of course since that time this President's group has slowly turned itself into a market manipulative team for their own political ends. But how about us, don't we matter to the Board?

I reviewed the credentials of the Board and they appear quite experienced in their fields. Years ago while working on major and regional stock exchange floors I saw my fair share of college accredited new-comers coming to work . To tell the truth, floor members and others made fun of these people for the reason with all their degrees they, for the most part, knew very little of markets and the true undertone on how they functioned from the public to the holders of the big bucks and the ones managing the big bucks.

Sure, they probably read the classic books on the subject but what they so desperately lacked was EXPERIENCE. I could run a company but I would first have to admit to myself what I don't know and then make adjustments by consulting respected proven professionals. When unknowns made their appearence, I would do the same. I would take responsibility.

My question to the Board is, what defensive adjustments to our current reality have you made considering the amout of obvious pain that shareholders have abundantly expressed on these pages?

You know, you guys need to take better responsibility for the care of shareholders whether you believe in it or not. Take a few steps back from your routine, take a deep breathe and put a creative thinking cap on. If you can't handle that, I suggest you contact Mr. Jim Sinclair at or Mr. Marrtin Armstrong at for some free advice on defensive measures. If you fail to consider these two suggestions, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to conclude it may be time for you to move on.

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