Probe Mines

Growth through Discovery Canadian Base and Precious Metal Exploration

I will be waiting to average down on my Probe position, might miss the boat but willing to hang tight for a couple days.

In the meantime - came across the "morning thoughts" on our NR. Please don't shoot the messenger here - just another guys thoughts.....

"Today is the day that PRB investors have been waiting months for. PRB just released a news release minutes ago explaining their, just completed McFaulds West drilling program.

Diamond drill holes MW-02 and MW-08 identified a thick (over 80 metres) peridotite intrusive body, which closely resembles the host peridotite of the Eagle One nickel-copper discovery. The holes were designed to test a number of discrete geophysical anomalies identified through the ground program, however, the anomalies were not explained by the amount of sulphides observed in the core and further work is required.

Lots of big words in the above statement from PRB, but I have to admit not sure what they mean. This is one of the most confusing news releases I have ever read. Even the assay results from the Victory project have no actual assay numbers. It says the assays returned anomalous values of nickel, copper, platinum and palladium throughout the section. Actual numbers would of been nice David Palmer. Anomalous means, not fitting into a common or familiar type, classification, or pattern; unusual.

Very disappointed in how PRB wrote up todays news release. I'm sure the market is not going to like todays nr any more than I do. Often if a company is using such big words that their news release is hard to figure out, they are doing so because they are trying to hide the disappointment that is in the news release. First thoughts about todays news release from PRB is the results were poor at best. JMHO"

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