Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

Below is a post I made on the EDIG board this morning in response to "Dischino" on the subject of virtual shareholder meetings. Unfortunately, though not unexpectedly since that forum is largely managed by members who are "positive non-thinkers", it was deleted.

In an effort to preserve the post, and since the underlying subject matter is also pertinent to PTSC, I am re-posting it here.


(Dischino) This place cannot be pleased no matter what they do.

Bitch bitch bitch and more bitching.

(Me) I respectfully disagree on both points.

First, the members of this forum would be pleased if the Company was to actually engage in making money that would lead to a signficant increase in the stock price. When that is not done, especially after some 15 years, complaints should not only be expected, but are well justified. Fact is fact, and negative performance by the Company year after year should not expect to be met with applause.

Second, to my way of thinking, griping is much better, and certainly no worse, than "spin, spin, spin, and more spinning", which is about all you yourself have done and continue to do, Joe. I pretty much stopped reading this forum years ago because any attempt to discuss reality was met with insults, "violations", and so forth. You and others here have belittled, vilified, and/or banned anyone who wouldn't "spin good" about EDIG, and you have consistently alluded to great things ahead because the Company, in your eyes, can do no wrong and is always on the verge of greatness. Yet when good things don't happen, you revert to characterizing EDIG as "just a piss-ant penny stock company", as if shareholders should welcome having been shafted and/or that losing money is something they should have expected --- while all along, you sang the Company's imaginary praises and chastised others whenever they didn't join you in doing so.

The "virtual" shareholder meeting IMO should be seen as a slap in the face of all shareholders, or at least of those who are capable of objective thinking and who are honest enough to openly discuss it. Please don't further insult many of your longtime fellow shareholders by chiding them for expressing displeasure over a measure taken by EDIG that is what they see as being a step backwards in shareholder communication and corporate accountability.

Sure, those that don't like it could have sold and moved on, and still can. But that would certainly be adverse to the image of the Company you have attempted to portray for so many years. Quit scolding others for having, to date, been right. Get a grip.


Good luck to all.

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