Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to Biajj2too's message

I don't have any good way of pinpointing the Dell License. What I can say is that up until the end of FY 2010, PTSC & TPL seemed to announce every license in one fashion or another. However, after that, (READ - Since the timing of the Apple Deal Conflict), they have ceased doing so as regularly, and there are many "unknowns".

The Ford License was actually announced on May 25, 2012. Dell has never been announced, and until l2007s pointed it out, I don't think it's ever been brought up in a court filing that we've noticed as a board.

As you can see, it could be any time since September of 2010, though the quarters with the "highest" licensing revenues are, Q32011 - Nov 1, 2010 through Feb 28, 2011 and Q42013 - Mar 1, 2013 through May 31, 2013.

Q1 TOTALS $0 $0.00 #DIV/0!
74 Q211 9/24/2010 Dresser ?? $1.41
75 ?? Unknown ?? included in above
76 ?? Unknown ?? included in above
77 ?? Unknown ?? included in above
78 ?? Unknown ?? included in above
79 10/26/2010 Cummins ?? included in above
Q2 TOTALS $0 $1.41 $0
80 Q311 4/10/2010 Apple ?? $7.44
81 ?? Unknown ?? included in above
82 ?? Unknown ?? included in above
Q3 TOTALS $0 $7.44 $0
83 Q411 5/23/2011 Stryker ?? $2.24
Q4 TOTALS $0 $2.24 $0
84 Q112 June-Aug Unknown ?? $0.51
Q1 TOTALS $0 $0.51 $0
85 Q212 11/16/2011 Cymer ?? $0.05
Q2 TOTALS $0 $0.05 $0
86 Q312 1/3/2012 TE Connectivity ?? $2.45
86 1/6/2012 Lottomatica ?? included in above
87 Dec or Jan General Electric ?? included in above
88 Dec or Jan Motorola ?? included in above
89 1/31/2012 Extreme Networks ?? included in above
90 2/9/2012 TYCO ?? included in above
Q3 TOTALS $0 $2.45 $0
91 Q412 3/13/2012 Walt Disney Co. ?? $0.02
92 5/25/2012 Ford ?? $1.00
Q4 TOTALS $0 $1.02 $0
93 Q113 7/26/2012 Pentair ?? $0.45
Q1 TOTALS $0 $0.45 $0
94 Q213 10/30/2012 UTC ?? $4.37
95 11/9/2012 Oracle ??
96 11/30/2013 Barco NV ??
Q2 TOTALS $0 $4.37 $0
97 Q313 12/3/2012 Sierra Wireliess ?? $0.00
Revenue from Previous Licenses $1.50
Q3 TOTALS $0 $1.50 $0
98 Q413 4/24/2013 Brocade ?? $6.25
99 ?? Unknown ?? included
100 ?? Unknown ?? included
Q4 TOTALS $0 $6.25 $0
101 Q114 6/20/2013 Data Logic $628.74 $1.49
102 8/24/2013 Kyocera $13,044.52 ??
Q1 TOTALS $13,673 $1.49 $9,177
103 Q214 9/18/2013 Amazon $61,090.00 $3.53 4.5B from Kindle?
104 9/19/2013 Acer Inc $14,968.03 ??
105 ?? Unknown ?? ??
106 ?? Unknown ?? ??
107 ?? Unknown ?? ??
108 ?? Unknown ?? ??
109 ?? Unknown ?? ??
110 ?? Unknown ?? ??
111 ?? HTC $8,000.00 ??
Q2 TOTALS $84,058 $3.53 $23,799
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