Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to l2007s's message

Laurie, thank you for all your hard work searching and posting for us, for all that have posted information and Pacers, THANKYOU!!.

Ron, there are several on this board that I would trust sending some $$ towards hiring someone to help us shareholders, someone to give us a voice beyond this forum.

I am afraid that we are all taking a "wait and see", well, we done that trip for several years all the while, speculating why the BOD's are acting the way they have been only to find out that many posters were absolutely correct in their speculation.

We have put ourselves in denial because of "hope", "don't rock the boat", "wait till we see what the court does", this has been going on for years, always a carrot followed by a Baseball Bat!.

A reasonable person reading the pacers can see that our BOD's are corrupt as much as DL actually they are Worse than DL. IMO they have been instrumental in where we are today and we need someone to give us a voice at the hearing, we should have much sooner.

Laurie, Ron... why can't we hire someone to speak for the shareholders, contact Moore and perhaps we can work with Moore's attorney's.

This sitting back like we have for years, subjecting ourselves to the outrageous acts of our BOD's that is supposed to be looking out for the MMP and the shareholders, what do we get for this, a Virtual Shareholders meeting to what, spew more BS.

We get nothing from these bastard's and instead of venting, speculating on this forum, we need to all work together to do what is in the best interests of US, the shareholders the one that actually own 50% of the MMP.

It just bothers me that with all these bastards did, yes, they were just as much fauit as DL for the reasons we only got chump change from HTC based on the Apple license. These bastards not only helped DL rip us off, we paid them to do this and they also destroyed the monetary value of the MMP.

It never ends the damage they had done to us, why would Anyone want them to continue to serve as the BOD's, once a crook always a crook.

All in my opinion of course, we need someone to shed some light on all of this and we will not get that with the current situation, fhe Creditor Committee is not looking out for us, that is for the creditors and if they just might buy some of the BS to get the payoff.

The BOD's and the DL/Family needs to be replaced, otherwise, nothing will change, the investment community does not want anything to do with these theives.


But, that I feel t.with each passing day, even with this BK, DL.. the best is a Chapter 7, he has al

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