Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to Biajj2too's message

We can only "hope" that it does not end this way...

We have one heck of a BOD that could have changed the course many of times in the past couple of years to take control and they did not, I do not think they will at this juncture either.

IF, there was any merit in the post that the German equivalent of SEC was involved it would be great if it expanded to the shores of the US and shed more light on our BOD.

We are all here not for a ROI, we are here based on HOPE that we wont lose everything and I can assure you, if DL gets out of this, it will continue as it was, all of the rats need to be put behind bars.

For the ones that were concerned of SEC being involved earlier, or concerned that there may be a shareholder revolt, please... what do you have to lose? that you will not lose if this sagga continues. This BOD needs to be replaced as DL kicked to the curb, otherwise you will continue with HOPE until the pps is traded 0.0001

We wait another year or more, time is not on our side. The morons in charge do not give a rats behind about YOU, I do not like to continue to pay salaries for these IMO Criminals. The incompentence stopped with the ending of acquasitions and turned into criminal behavior by BS'ing us and the Non Disclosure crap, the reason was to hide the licenses amounts and some had to deduce it with QR's.

IMO, how about DL commingling and giving us chump change for the MMP while DL takes the most for his patents and then to get 20% off the top, wow, talk about a screw job while the BOD accepts this, please.... stop insulting my intelligence.

The BOD is on the take, high salaries for doing nothing is not enough for them bastards!

As the ole saying goes, "you are who you hang with", in this case, who you contract with for a Licensing.. they are just as corupt as DL.

GF, she knows about how to minimize tax liabilities with Offshore accounts which I suspect goes hand in hand with maintaining a couple of sets of books.

I would welcome a SEC investigation!!


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