Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to GeoffParker2343's message

Thanks for your comments. It is a complex matter to be sure.

I understand from a knowledgeable friend that Alliacense has done a good deal of reverse engineering and that their preferred strategy is to show proof to infringers to get them to license with lawsuits a last resort.

Clearly, since the onslaught of reexamination which is a low cost tactic used by the big boys to squash the small entity companies we have been on the ropes but there is hope that we will survive the latest round and come out on top. Clearly also, should that happen and the money begin to flow into the company and on to investors, I suspect that this rancor will die off. Profits (especially shared profits) do a lot to silence critcism.

Given what we have seen in the last 6 years and what is happening now the future of innovation by the small guy looks pretty grim given the push for H.R. 3309 by the monsters of electronics commerce's efforts to kill all innovations that do not come from them. It will be a sad day if they get their wishes. All who read this would do well to do some of their own diligence and if they agree that it will have a negative effect (as do most univerities, the IEEE, the ABA and many others) contact their representative.

That aside, it appears the best thing that the BoD can do for themselves is to succeed, though it has always bothered me that I cannot figure out what they could be possibly be doing on a daily basis. My guess is they must have hobbies or day jobs in other companies.

Thanks again

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