Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
Give it a REST
almost 11 years ago
in response to BaNosser's message

i found out about the details of the Apple license from the trial court documents. You want proof of exact numbers....Why? Is it not obvious that PTSC got screwed? And who is in charge of managing the company and protecting its shareholders? Brian or the over paid BOD?

Why is it so important for you that you must continually find a way to do a public message board lynching of brian? You mention me frequently in your posts when you come to this forum with "noose in hand". Why? I dont refer to you in posts.....just the horrible job of leadership we have. Anybody who posts about the BOD that does not paint them as hardworking stewards of the MMP and the attack. Why? Just what is your plan FUT? I have been posting my opinions of why the BOD has destroyed this company since the Sony deal.....and I believe I have been correct.....the BOD is to blame for the mess we are in......I can give you a long list of failures of our BOD that, IMO, have damaged this company, the share holder and the stock price. Care to do the same and defend them? OR is your only purpose to post comments to support your dislike of certain forum contributors?

Apparenltly the light flickers and the bulb is trully dim....if not dead. What is the pupose of your latest vigilanty attacks on a poster? It is not about PTSC or the current stock price. Will the link that u request prove that PTSC is well managed or that you are justified in your apparent dislike of a group of posters who seem to share the same mindset with respect to our BOD? The bottom line is that PTSC got screwed in the Apple deal and the BOD oversaw the license. Bottom line. Who do you blame? PTSC's BOD or brian or lambert or.....? U sound like a little schoolboy bully who wants attention.

Give it a rest....


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