Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to FutTheWuk's message

I guess this is my day to stumble on posts from members I usually have on ignore. Gotta be more careful about that.

Based on your post, I suppose we should require everyone, including you, to provide his or her full name, address, and other personal information (short of a Social Security number) so that anyone who desires to do so can perform a complete background search on other members. That way, we can have posts about everyone's personal and business life on open display in order to judge credibilty.

Based on my prior participation here, everyone either knows who I am or can easily find out. The same is true for Brian. However, you and others of your mindset have us at a disadvantage, because you/they want to remain anonymous. You have your ideas about hypocrisy, I have mine --- and I tend to think that the ultimate hypocrisy is those who want to remain in hiding while simultaneously demanding that others open up their lives to "inspection" on a message board.

Now, if you're serious about what you posted, please immediately post your full name, business and personal address, and corresponding telephone numbers so that everyone can start digging into your background if they wish. I'm sure you'll just post something snide in response, but please give what I've said serious consideration.

Frankly, I continue to believe we would all be better served by gauging each other's credibility on the content of each other's posts and the history of accuracy thereby provided. Best wishes to you and all.

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