Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

I should qualify my post to add that Apple seems to have been licensed in April of 2010 based on the court filings. However, no license revenue was attributed to that quarter based on the 10q filings. As we all know, PTSC sued TPL shortly thereafter for fraud, breach of contract, etc.

They then settled their lawsuit. It's my opinion, that while the MMP license with Apple reflects a license fee of $960K, that is simply an allotment of a portion of the much larger overall multi-portfolio license fee that Apple paid to TPL. It's my opinion that through the lawsuit, PTSC extracted some additional consideration from TPL that really should be considered part of the Apple fee, but will never publicly be recognized as such since it was done internally between the parties, and outside of Apple's agreement.

IMO, that consideration was recognized on PDS' books as licensing revenue as part of the $7.44M recognized in the quarter ending February 2011. According to the running license counts I've assembled based on PR language and court filings of that time, there were 2 other licenses signed in that quarter, but never announced, so it's hard to guage what portion of that $7.44 was above and beyond the $960K that was revealed as attributed to the Applle MMP license, but it seems some or most of it probably was due to Apple. When you look at the overall fee that Apple paid TPL which could be as high as $18M for all portfolios, it stands to reason that's what happend.

I can't say for certain that's the case, but based on the totality of circumstantial evidence that I've read, it points to that being the case.

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