Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

It's my belief that this judgement would only be for the $8B in phone sales from 2006-2010 that were included in the law suit. CORRECTIONS WELCOME!

HTC has sold BILLIONS in phone sales SINCE 2010, and their annual revenues have been much higher over the last 3 years, than the 4 years previous to that.

While I don't know if we'll challenge them on it, it would stand to reason, IMO, that HTC is STILL on the hook for royalties for any phones that WEREN'T included in the case, but that INCLUDE the same '336 technology. I can't be certain there are many or any, but intuitively, it makes sense to me that ALL HTC PHONES INFRINGE, not just the ones we listed.

With that in mind, if there is ANY TRUTH to my assumption, I would expect us at this point to be negotiating a SETTLEMENT with HTC that addresses this disparity.

Interesting times ahead. I'll be very interested to see what PTSC/TPL says in the PR they BETTER be preparing to issue in the next 24 hours.

Also, I HOPE that this ruling now puts the ITC back in play for all those 9 companies that didn't settle. I would expect that to be part of any PR as well.

While it STILL pisses me off royally to think of the damage done by the Apple license, I take this opportunity to thank Cliff, Gloria, Carlton, and TPL for being willing to go the distance on this. We got the most important thing, an INFRINGEMENT VERDICT. Woot Woot!

You 71 other top 100's, you better belly up to the bar and pay your tab!

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