Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to mikesmark's message

I accept "variations of human views" when they are based on a logical postion, or at least on some measure of common sense. The position expressed in your post doesn't appear to meet either criteria, and, instead, seems to be "blind" support for Mr. Flowers.

No one is asking Mr. Flowers to "bet the farm" or his life savings on PTSC stock purchases. However, when he agreed to accept the interim CEO position of a company whose "business" was, by definition, largely if not solely a "gamble" on litigation, then, especially for those who love to talk about how everything should always be viewed and expressed as "postivie", it should follow that Mr. Flowers should set a "positive example" by doing exactly what he desires, or certainly should desire, others to do --- buy shares.

Conversely, do we want a CEO, interim or permanent, who would not desire others to invest in the Company? If the answer to that question is "no", i.e., that we want a CEO who does desire others to invest in his company, then those others will naturally want to see their CEO putting "skin into the game" based on the same risk that he desires them to take. I cannot see how that would be an unreasonable expectation. Again, conversely, if the CEO thinks purchasing shares is "too risky" for him, then how can he relistically expect others to think otherwise?

I don't see anything wrong with a teetotaler being the CEO of an alcoholic beverage company that isn't doing so well as long as he is otherwise qualified and the company's BoD thinks he can be effective despite the fact that he doesn't drink. But if he does decide to imbibe, I would want him to partake of his own company's product, just as I wouldn't want to see an upper level executive of Ford Motor Company owning nothing but Chevys. In either of those cases, however, if those executives decide to place all of their own personal investment capital elsewhere and never purchase even a single share of their own company, it is difficult for me to understand how that sends a "positive" message to either existing shareholders or potential investors in terms of shareholder value.

Best wishes to you and all.

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