Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to l2007s's message

"and you were about to lose your home"

Sounds like a story of a lot of professional athletes and actors... make millions of dollars and loose thier homes by spending it all rather than saving and investing a substantial portion of money intelligently. (this bit of "wisdom" coming from someone who is invested here, though not largely)

It was unknown at this end that the circumstances were such that someone was going to loose their home but it is difficult to have little sympathy for such individuals as those who overspend on themselves when they get a few bucks ahead. Seems that the wise individual might have have bought a condo or modest home somewhere for cash with the millions and coasted to the end of their days in grand style with the left over money they had made.

As for the legal arguments, there are always two sides fo every story. Until the testamony is given by all under oath by deposition or in court, it is speculation as to who is right and who is wrong. Unfortunately the other party in the conflict chooses not to have a blog and make self serving statements or counter those being asserted. Evidence presented in open court, under oath is and should be many times more weighty than statements in a blog.

It is arguably best to let the legal system do its work and save the speculation here about who is right an who is wrong. One will win and the other will loose and anything said here will not change the final result. The court transcripts of the trial will tell the final story.

Just an opinion from this node on the network, thanks for expressing yours

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