Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to MIKE6553's message

"LL, is there a price range where this stock would again become attractive to you... or are you waiting for the BOD to resign or be prosecuted??"

Because of the history of and continuing weak leadership, I feel I have enough capital at risk with this stock as do most people who have been invested as long as I have. That's unfortunate, because with the right circumstances, the argument can be made that there is good reason to invest. Unfortunately, everyday, the CEO and the 2 BOD members refute that argument and apparently feel the same way as I do as they have set the example that even 5 cents wasn't an attractive enough price range. As for what I'm waiting for?! I'm simply waiting on this BOD to PERFORM and do what they're paid to do, what they're required to do, and what they're expected to do!! To LEAD!! To RETURN VALUE TO SHAREHOLDERS!! NOT to make excuses for their poor performance, their lack of leadership, and their failures to date.

"Do you believe CM and his attorney's will be able to uncover all the dirt that you have come up with or will they be persuaded to cave into TPL's skimming etc for the benefit of getting at least something out of the MMP's remaining value?"

I'm not sure what "dirt" you're referring to. Most of what I post comes from the court filings that PTSC's own lawyers have presented, or from other court filings from TPL, or the T3, or those in lawsuits with TPL, like Moore & Marcoux & Brown. I personally haven't come up with anything, LOL! Not sure what you're trying to get at.

"Assuming the MH ruling is very favorable, will TPL stop skimming and cheating on the split between the MMP and DL's own patents?"

I assume people's actions dictate what they intend to do. I assume TPL wil continue to behave as TPL always has until they are stopped by someone, or until they indicate otherwise through their actions.

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