Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

Not much time these days to devote to PTSC or the MMP fight status, but IMO I will be waiting to see 2 things. Markman Ruling to see if the MMP will have teeth, and PTSC's April 10q to see if our BOD allowed Leckrone to speak falsely at the SHM regarding a $40M plus MMP Licensing quarter. Barring any significant news before then, I think PTSC will be toyed with up and down and I've got no time for that.

However, with repsect to the recent Barco Motion ruling, because I only did a cursory review, I'm a little unclear. I understand that TPL is being given 20 additional days to dial in and clarify their IC's in certain respects. Hopefully they can / will, but only time will tell, so I'll wait. That being said though, is this in regards to ALL Barco IC's or just for the certain one's listed. For example, the language I remember from the ruling was that TPL said that (to paraphase) for "chip 1001", it is similar to "chip 1000", and the special master essentially said that's not adequate enough in specificity to "chip 1001", and that TPL must do better or forget "chip 1001".

Doesnt' that leave "chip 1000" still in play completely? In other words, was the motion to grant an extension simply just to include the ADDITIONAL chips that TPL introduced? Does it affect or lessen the applicability of the original contentions for the "chip 1000" types? If so, BARCO wouldn't be "off the hook" per se, but just so on the additonal chips.

Perhaps I'm missing it since I'm not looking to closely at this, but unless these "chip 1000" items are very limited in use by BARCO to the point where infringement value is not worth the prosecution of it to TPL/PTSC or BARCO, then they'll be in the suit for the long haul regardless I would think.

I realize I'm asking to be spoon fed a little here, so please forgive my laziness, but for anyone who REALLY UNDERSTANDS what is transpiring there, I'd appreciate your feedback. Thanks in advance.

As for today's action, I'm not surprised, anymore so than I was by the run up. When you have non-leaders leading the company who have an excuse for everything, but a plan for very little other than continuing their compenation and hoping for the best, they open the door and invite the manipulation that we see. Hopefully it wasn't a set up to get a large holder out with one last bump. I hope rather it's just traders taking advantage of the weakness at PTSC, as with good results in the Markman and reflected in PDS revenue, that can be overcome to an extent. Maybe time will prove that out.

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