Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to tucci66's message

<There is no doubt in my mind that DB has an ulterior motive for posting on this board. I have no idea what that motive is but would strongly suggest that any postings from this individual be taken with a raised eyebrow.>

While I agree with your conclusion, I don't believe you have the right to say what you said above.

Case in point. There was a prolific poster who argued our case with Barco et al was at risk because of Quanta, and because our patents were amended. He took liberty in rewording statements made in pacer docs and more. I'll stop there because I'm sure everyone knows who I'm talking about. That poster was free to post his views about the litigation. No one attempted to stop him. No one questioned his right to post his views relating to the litigation. A few members, including myself, took issue with some statements and offered counter views/interpetations. That is the way it should be.

The poster to whom I refer was eventually banned, not for the content of any post, but for repeating it way too often. All that is from my memory, which may not be perfect, so I welcome corrections where applicable.

IMO, Just because you personally disagree with what some one else is saying, does not give anyone here the right to stop that person, assuming Agora rules have not been violated. If anyone believes differently about what was said, just make your case why you believe it is not so. If not important enough to warrant an opposing view, just disregard it and/or that poster.

Lastly, might I remind everyone that there is a good possibility that our fate may soon lie in the hands of a jury. Not the judge. Not the attorneys. People like you and me will decide. Hence, it is important for me to understand what those people might be thinking. That of course is difficult if the people are not allowed to state any opinions here.

Well, again. A couple more cents here and hopefully to the pps as well.

Live Long and Prosper


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