Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to SGE1's message

"But here we have another situation where the things depicted are not correct."

Nothing incorrect depicted. 485 and is "over 400" as is anything over 400.

As for PTSC being irresponsible to "ballpark" the value of the MMP! Pardon my French, but that is such a crock! What IS and HAS BEEN irresponsible is to continue to keep the value of the MMP secret. It delegitimizes the patents and casts the company in a negative light. The truth is the Their job is exactly the opposite. They should plan, create expectations, deliver on those expectations and grow them so that they can return value to shareholders. That's their only mission in life as managers of a public company. If you don't know your product or what it's worth, then you have no business managing the company. And if you can't communicate the value and/or the potential value to the market then again, you have no business managing the company.

This secrecy has served no one but Leckrone and PTSC BOD / Managers. It has provided them cover for their poor performance and corruption, and is akin to the soft bigotry of low expectations that plagues society in many ways.

As for your points in general though, I don't argue that there is greater infringer potential than my analysis included, but in analysis, it's best to be conservative, and I'm going off info that the comapny has provided, not what we can imagine. And what your post illustrates best of all is the lack of proper communication, transparency and management of the company's image that the company has suffered from for years. And that falls at the feet of 3 people. And the things you indicate you'd be interested in are all items that the company SHOULD be providing. They should be constructing a vision of PTSC that reflects the potential and value of their asset, rather than hiding behind their poorly crafted agreements and poor stewardship of them.

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