Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

Based on PTSC's SEC filings, this is what the MMP has generated revenue wise.

Before the merger:

  1. PTSC licensed AMD for $2.95M.
  2. TPL licensed Intel for an undisclosed amount, and gave PTSC $10M of those proceeds at the time of the merger. That suggests that Intel was at minimum a $20M license fee and likely much more.

Since the merger and the forming of PDS:


  • $284,923,235 - MMP License Revenues
  • $927,657 - Interest Income
  • $285,850,892 - TOTAL REVENUE


  • $58,320,887 - Operating Expenses
  • $59,750 - Tax Provisions
  • $58,380,637 - TOTAL EXPENSES

Basically, over the 6 years since the merger, on average, 20% of the revenue collected goes out in expenses. This includes years with high legal costs for both the J3 and T3 efforts as well as the re-exam processes. So it should be safe to assume that even with some fight left in the T3, that 20%-25% of the MMP revenues off the top is adequate to cover the costs for licensing efforts / infringment prosecution.

There have been 85 licenses signed according to the PRs. There are over 400 infringers according to the PRs. $308M divided by 85 is an average of $3.6M per license. With 85 licenses signed, that leaves at least 315 to go. If they get $2.5M per license average for the remaining licenses, that would generate $787M. Take 25% off the top for expenses, and that leaves $590 for TPL & PTSC to split each getting $295M. Spread that over the next 4 years, and you get nearly $74M per year before taxes per year.

Leckrone has boasted the MMP is worth $1B overall, or $1B still. Prior licensing supports similar valuations even if we get less in the future than we have in the past. Consdering that the opposite is supposed to happen per the early mover discount, it would appear that the MMP future is bright IF THE MMP PARTNERS don't screw it up.

Considering re-exams have been successful, and licensing supports the valuation, WHY DOES THE MMP VALUE REMAIN A SECRET? According to PTSC / TPL, this HELPS the MMP licensing efforts! There's a certain chant you hear at sporting events when the refs screw up a call, and I think it applies here. Our company needs to communicate the value of the MMP, and the set up metrics that explain what can be expected through the licensing efforts as far as revenue to PTSC. They've just allowed 2 years to get pissed away with infighting in the partnership. Now that that's behind them, it's time to perform!

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