Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to MIKE6553's message

....isn't really an issue of just "smarts". Rather, IMO, it's even more an issue of showing faith in this Company and of reflecting the potential that now hopefully lies ahead.

Unless TPL has lots of MMP settlements already completed but as yet unannounced (and I again suggest that we not engage in such useless speculation), nobody knows exactly what lies ahead on the licensing front. But in any event, our BoD now has a fantastic opportunity to "start from a (relatively) clean slate" with the retail shareholders --- they should be purchasing as many shares as possible based on their respective personal financial situations, and at current price levels, they will hopefully see such as an excellent opportunity.

I respectfully suggest that it is now time for our BoD to step up to the plate and begin purchasing as many shares as allowed under SEC regulations, and likewise in the shortest time frame allowed. The establishment of an interval purchasing program, such as exists at many other companies, would also be a wonderful, and overtly demonstrative, indication that the BoD now has confidence in what it has done in settling with TPL so that PTSC can move forward and profit from the remaining value of the MMP. IMO, there is simply no reason why each member of the BoD should not own at least 2,000,000 - 3,000,000 shares of PTSC that have been purchased with personal funds, and a persuasive case could be made for even larger amounts.

It seems to me that what our BoD does in this regard will likely be very telling. I surely hope they don't revert to "business as usual" such as we have seen over the last several years, and that they will maximize this opportunity to not only repair their relationship with the retail shareholders, but also to make a positive representation to new investors.

Best wishes to all.

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