Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

A couple of years ago I thought the BOD bashing was uncalled for and that after our Patents were done with USPTO everything would right themselves. I gave them a break for the bad M&A strategies and naively thought that they had shareholders interest at the very least. I always had doubts about the Master agreement with TPL and told my friends that had turned me onto this stock that this is like a private company running a public one. Nevertheless I still dumped thousands of dollars into the dream of the "patent on water" I mean why would these giant companies with the brightest legal teams pay big money if they were not valid patents. After the first shareholder meeting was moved to Chicago I started really doubting the motivations of our BOD. Then with the subsequent virtual shareholder meeting I was pissed off. Now I am completely sick with the behavior of our BOD. My percieved attitude at VSM was contempt for the shareholder. What to do now is the question? I know SGE1 or someone will tell me that they are doing what we need to do. To me this is tantamount to telling the driver in your neighborhood to slow down but never does he then runs over a kid because he was speeding and then afterwards they tell me don't blame him he isn't speeding anymore. They were asked and warned about the accounting with TPL and told us that it is being audited and not to worry. Is this a giant scam? Please someone tell me it isn't.

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