Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to ggualala's message

Who are these people you're talking about? I've thought about it for awhile, searching my memory, and I cannot recall anyone ever (at least in the last couple of years) say directly that they want to maintain the status quo at the helm of PTSC. Thus, I have no idea who it is that you are talking about.

We do have people here that want to do some unknown thing to force change.

Others have encouraged change, but recognize the perceived reality of the situation. I'm one of those.

I've recently tried to clarify the reality of the situation, but nobody seems to want to talk about it directly. The discussion is avoided for some unknown reason. Perhaps you can confirm my understand, and consider the questions I pose?

Do I have the BoD election situation down correctly?

Is it status quo for next year's election? And the election after that?

Does the BoD continue to assess eligibility based on qualifications and make the determination as to inclusion of the proposed candidate on the ballot until 14a-11 kicks in?

When 14a-11 kicks in (when ever that be), will it be a free-for-all, land rush of candidates?

When will 14a-11 kick in? Do we know for certain that it's three years out?

An "invitation", for all practical purposes, is a prerequisite.

...... please advise as to just how you, as the new, unwanted, possibly not respected, under-qualified BoD member, up against two incumbents, would manage to accomplish anything. It would also be nice to have some clue as to just what, specifically or generally, you wish to accomplish.

.......IMO to think that anyone, who was NOT invited, could sit down in a BoD seat and cause significant change is truly delusional IMO. While there is the possibility of having your opinions heard, that would be the extent of it unless your input is at least reasonably close to being in line with the thoughts/opinions of the incumbents. Otherwise it would always be 2-1 against.

.......Assume all our wishes come true and things improve to where PDSG is gone, a reasonable reconciliation is achieved with TPL (with intensive oversight), the T3 cave, we're completely done with the PTO, and licenses start rolling in..... Now think BoD activity. Think of the stated intent to issue dividends out of future proceeds. What change do you intend to pursue? Reductions in BoD/executive (i.e., YOUR) compensation? And....?

For your consideration.


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