Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to BaNosser's message

"You sound like Gloria" Ooooh! That's hitting below the belt! ;-)

I always seem to get a visceral response out of you. I recall years ago that you indicated you would beat me up or something if I were in the same room as you right now for what I had said about Ron even back then.

All rancor and name-calling aside-and back to the topics at hand-

You miss the same point Ron seems to be missing. Selling and adding shareholder value are on opposite ends of the spectrum from one another. You can certainly argue that "selling doesn't bring the share price down" or "selling doesn't really kill a rally" but you would look silly doing so.

There seems to be an effort here to keep this thing bouncing along the bottom so that it fits in with the script that there is BOD incompetence that is keeping us here. After each BOD rant there seems to be an argument that message board postings don't influence buying or selling of share in a company. Everybody in the business KNOWS that BASHING WORKS! That's why it is almost ubiquitous on message boards everywhere. You know it-I know it -we all know it but this idiotic characterization that it does not effect the buy/sell dynamics of this message board persists. It is more polite and maybe more sincere bashing compared to other message boards but it is more function of the rules of agora than anything else... and it is-very simply - bashing nevertheless

You'll notice that Brian jumps in with Ron right behind him whenever there is any enthusiasm whatsoever for the prospects of the share price going higher. (See the recent Opty / Brian exchange for a perfect illustration of how Brian incessantly frames the BOD as the culprit for a low share price. You'll also notice he/they dismiss any characterizations that it is Leckrone/TPL/Alliacense or the USPTO that by my estimation jointly possess 98 per cent of the collective blame for our current share price predicament. You'll also notice that even hub leaders are in on the action of framing perceptions in such a way by banning people that are seen as "rah rah" or BOD apologists. Wolf - who diligently posts pacers for all to review but who also has run this little message board forum as his own little fiefdom for quite some time now-has as much as admitted that "we all wanted to get to higher share price but it was the way in which (or methods employed) in getting there. In other words he has confirmed that there IS a "nefarious" plot at work here to keep the heat on the BOD.

This shaping of perceptions all fits with some sort framework of preparation for a possible class-action lawsuit -to be brought against the BOD or at least a posturing for same.

BY the way-only the lawyers get paid off the top in these class -action lawsuits brought by shareholder groups and what do the "shareholders" get? They get almost nothing. See links below-

Is it a coincidence that Brian (has-been) and Ron are or have been lawyers?? LOL

I also notice a deafening silence on my question posed to Ron yesterday- Same non-answer we got from Stan and Pete Lozano when they were pressed on their crapola.

Ron-have you and Brian or others ever discussed offline the possibility of engaging in a class action lawsuit? Is that what you guys are REALLY up to? Be honest!

Or is it because Ron has me on ignore? LOL

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