Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to ronran's message

Why call Brian and others on their 24/7 pessimism? Because in their / your infinite wisdom of trying to effect change on the BOD through a public message board they/you have decided to sacrifice the share price. Very simple. Posting non-stop pessimistic messages surely drives away new buyers of the stock. Surely you can see that. What changes are we now looking for from the bod since they seemingly - despite the long-winded campaigns of Brian et al- have decided not to resign in shame? Maybe a 10 or 20 % reduction in their pay? How much will this positively effect the share price?

By the way -Ron-You essentially said the same thing that Opty said - if you don't like it sell and move on.... See post below

Success inevitably breeds discontent.....

As one of the long-timers here, in addition to being one of the most cautious members as to our stock price at any given interval, it is really difficult to watch the deterioration that is occurring in the quality of the discussion on this board. With PTSC in its best position in years, and having just had the fortune of landing its litigation in a VERY favorable venue, some people, for reasons that escape me, seem more dissatisfied than ever. Personal attacks abound, and wild conclusions are the order of the day.

I would respectfully disagree with those who assert that settlements and/or licensing deals from litigation cannot be a ``business plan``. Such arrangements are vastly better than companies, many with much higher stock prices, that don`t have ANY form of revenue or income --- drug companies with no products on the market as yet come to mind, and I am sure there are many other examples.

I could say a lot more on this subject, but the bottom line is that there is a very quick option available for those who do not like PTSC`s current ``business plan`` --- sell and move on to a company where you like the ``plan`` better. For now, PTSC is what it is, and that is a litigation-oriented settlment machine --- it may well become something else in the future, but only time will tell.

In the interim, quit expecting something new and wonderful to happen every five minutes, or for PTSC to suddenly blossom into something more to your liking --- such a thing is unlikely to happen in the near term, and harping on it won`t make it so. David Pohl and TPL have done more for this company in less than a year than in the five years beforehand, so give them some room and see what happens. And if you are unwilling to do so, there are other companies out there in which to invest your money.

Good luck to all.

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