Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to beantown's message

"What do you think we have here.... a forbes 100? "

I certainly don't think that! lol. But I do think that we have an intellectual property company and a secure data exchange software company, and a protected distributions systems company, with a target market including public entities (cities, states, federal agencies, etc.).

While an anesthesiologist, a forensic accountant, and an in-house counsel for a fund management company, all may have great experience and success in their respective fields, they're abilities to contribute to the success of PTSC have proven extremely limited to non-existent.

Even things you'd expect a lawyer and an accontant to be well suited to impact positively, eg. contracts with partners, and loan agreements, as you point out, have been less than fairly structured and/or arguably ineptly handled as they pertain to PTSC and protecting the company's and its shareholders interests.

It's not a matter of bashing the BOD, but a matter of realizing that we have the company we deserve. And until we either change the leadership, or impressively and consistently, though passively benefit from the work assigned to combative and questionable partners, or overcome the stigma that our small company has in trying to land public contracts, etc., the market is unlikely to value the company any higher, despite our perceptions or the company's protestations and "public warnings" to the contrary.

And we have Flowers, ad ONLY Flowers due to this BOD. As 13 cents GLARINGLY displays, your frustration and disgust is not singularly felt. That others would continue to defend the status quo is remakable.

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