Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

Stanley Caplan

P.O. Box 880584

San Diego, CA 92168-0584


A position as member of the Board of Directors.


Bachelor Degree in Business Administration/Accounting, University of Texas, 1971.

Chartered Life Underwriter


Strong history of identifying issues and problems that reduce shareholder value, recommending appropriate solutions, and providing candid and constructive criticism to Boards of Directors. Thirty-five years experience in corporate and individual insurance, financial planning and management, and investments. Skilled in developing strategy and long term plans with a focus on proper due diligence before purchases and investments. Participated in several private placements resulting in direct involvement in the operating entities.

Shareholder Activist, Patriot Scientific and other companies, 1999-present.

Attend all shareholder meetings and regularly make suggestions to the Board of Directors regarding business operations, shareholder value issues, future company opportunities, handling of company issues and problems, financial management, investments, cost controls, etc. Demand a strong emphasis on company due diligence, executive accountability, and shareholder responsiveness.
Pushed the Board of Directors to reduce their compensation before it was lowered 20%. Continue to push for further reductions and proposed that compensation be performance based and options only.
After witnessing repetitive write offs on all investments, strongly urged that investment strategy be changed. Directors admitted at the last annual shareholder meeting that management made poor decisions with Board oversight.

Successfully insisted that the M&A program be terminated; told directors that costs should be drastically cut and licensing fees paid to shareholders. Revisions are currently in progress.

Discovered substantial overpayments for business acquisitions due to lack of proper due diligence, which was later confirmed by company's post-purchase due diligence analysis.
Determined weaknesses in senior management leading to replacement.
Warned of the inequitable agreement with the company's licensing partner years before the existing law suits. Continue to be concerned about the final outcome of any potential negotiated settlement.

Advised Board on foolishness of loaning money on an unsecured basis to licensing partner.

Provided support to investor relations company to coordinate and strengthen public relations effort, and proposed investigating listing company on a superior stock exchange.
Remain current on shareholder issues and demand that company keep shareholders more informed with all developments, good and bad.

Stanley Caplan Financial Group, San Diego, CA., 1986-present.
Owner/Founder. Meet regularly with company owners, CEO's and directors to discuss in detail short and long term business plans, goals, and objectives. Analyze company's current plans and programs to determine any potential problems. Meet with human resources to determine employee requirements; with CFO to determine budgetary requirements; and with senior management to determine optimal balance of diverse interests between stakeholders. Work closely with owners and senior management to discuss company operations and requirements, with a goal of delivering the very best service at the most competitive cost.

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