Stan-Caplan's Profile

Stan-Caplan's Posts

Re: Let's start from scratch-- Congratulations

You are the final straw.

I publicly gave my name and contact information, posted a resume that outlined several plans and ideas, and continuously and vocally fought for shareholder's rights.

You, and the others that "think" like you, don't have a clue about what could be accomplished on this board. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt; you just don't know any better.

Meanwhile, I learned my lesson. I won't be participating on this type of gossip column again. I'd rather suffer through one of those made-up conflict "reality" shows than read any more of this stupidity.

There are a few of you, and you know who you are, that are welcome to contact me.


over 13 years ago
Re: Let's start from scratch---------- You First

This board and the BoD would love to hear your ideas.

over 13 years ago
Re: Let's start from scratch-- It's Unbelievable!

You're the only one willing to give it time, effort and thought. Most posters here probably don't understand the context of the question and how to respond. It's easier to pick apart someone else or come back with ridiculous questions. And, don't forget the mindless guessing, wishing and hoping.

Most are just like the BoD and have probably been around as long; can't define and achieve a successful goal. The BoD needs good suggestions. They monitor this forum and might give thought to pertinent advice.

It's about a unified force for everyone's benefit, working together in order to enhance shareholder value.

over 13 years ago
Re: Let's start from scratch--What Is The Purpose Of This Board? Thank You

It will be interesting to see how many others make the effort to post a relevant and well planned answer as you did.

over 13 years ago
Re: Let's start from scratch--What Is The Purpose Of This Board?

This question was to get your opinnion, not to comment contrary to the philosophy of any other posters.

over 13 years ago
Let's start from scratch--What Is The Purpose Of This Board?

Anyone thought about this lately? This is one time that I would like to hear everyone's opinnion.

over 13 years ago
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