Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to l2007s's message

I look to the past.

The Markman brought the stock over $2, yet we still had to deal with the PTO. There was nothing going but radar related something or other and that was about it.

When the PTO problems started and licenses dryed up so did the SP. Logical. Every time something great happened a monkey wrench was thrown into the MMP. Another slowdown at PTO slowed down licenses. We should be done with PTO, Lord willing. If so there is nothing to stop this stock from exploding. AN approved PTO patent that is applicable everywhere will provide a revenue stream that will continue for several years to come so much that dividends could be greater than the the SP last week.

The truth is that the big guys, intel and AMD saw what we had and got the deal of deals.....not so now. Infringers will pay.

With PDSG, one good contract could get the ball rolling. Baroni stands ready to push. We have not had this opportunity since way back when in this arena and it validates that we are in no way a patent troll but a rising corporation. This is much different than before. 4-5 good moves over time and we are a stock that people want to own and not just trade.

I believe that EPS and PE ratios don't apply. There are many stocks out there trading at negative EPS that are selling for over $10 a share but what they have going for them is reputation like Bank of America that trades over a 100 million yet is negative EPS.

Although this is a pump job that I'm presenting, the above is accurate. Where this stock will go is, not trying to be a smart a. , the million dollar question. It all depends on how this stock is managed. I am betting that it will work out well for the long term investor. If you don't feel this way, sell and move on to something that provides less risk and less reward.

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