Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

I'm convinced I know a lot less about this patent business than I thought I knew when I invested. I now wonder what other smart investors and insiders really know.

Do the institutions know what PTSC is worth, or are they precluded from investing in penny stocks - or both?

Institutions own 0.0% of the 0.41 billion common shares outstanding. The average institutional ownership of the Computer Services Industry is at 28.1%, and the average of the S&P 500 as a whole is 66.1%.

Can you imagine where the SP would go if institutions bought 10 or 20% of the stock? I think for the most part they are precluded from investing in penny stcoks.

How about all the hundreds of companies on that list of MMP infringers that have already been contacted? How many of those company officers & lawyers are familiar with the MMP situation? Maybe more than hundreds?

Assuming hundreds of officers and lawyers are “in the know” in terms of the likelihood that the MMP will score big in collecting license fees, how many friends & family have they related this information to? And how many of those people related this info to others, and so on?

I can’t see how this information can be kept secret, especially if that info is worth a fortune. So what are we to conclude when there’s very little buying of our stock? Is everyone in the know wrong, or is everyone in the know keeping it secret?

Or are we stock holders waiting for a miracle?

Maybe I actually know much less than the very little I thought I knew when I started this post.

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