Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to ronran's message

IMO, calling for any SEC investigation about anything relating to PTSC is "investment suicide".

As I said in my post, IMO it is extremely unlikely they'd find any SEC violations at the company/BoD level. And what would justify the investigation? Hard facts, or suspicions? And this IS an OTCBB security. The the bottom line remains - a report that the SEC is initiating an investigation of PTSC, regardless of outcome (whether they actually found any wrongdoing or not), would have an immediate negative impact on our PPS.

As for an SEC investigation of potential manipulation of PTSC's PPS via posts on message boards, IMO this would have a similar impact on our PPS. Who wants to buy a stock when they suspect such behavior, or more, if the SEC suspects such behavior at a level warranting an investigation? Besides that, though I personally find attempts at manipulation here as highly unethical, deceiptful, etc. (the list of descriptive terms is lengthy!); the investigation would have to encompass several years of activity in order to assess the cumulative impact in terms of (potential) dollars. Isolated occurances would not, IMO, justify the SEC's dedication of resources. For instance, I've made noise about my perception of certain posters' actions in mid-late December. While I find it very irritating, etc. (similar descriptors), the dollars involved were relatively small (in contrast to the types of things to which the SEC is probably accustomed). In that instance, even if there were a million shares involved, we're talking a possible 3 cent PPS "adjustment". A whopping $30K. Would a reasonable person at the SEC choose to possibly dedicate $100k in resources to sniff this out? Even if the cumulative impact were ten times that amount ($300K) - worth the effort, when there are so many larger fish to fry - where there may be hard evidence?

For the (very good IMO) reasons above, I raise my eyebrows any time someone seriously suggests an SEC investigation of anything relating to PTSC. As I say, "investment suicide". So unless the "suggestor" is completely oblivious to the above (which is hard to fathom), it rings of another form of that devious manipulation attempt. Scare people - your fellow investors - because they KNOW what it do to their investment in the immediate term.

As for all this discussion of Agora's woes with the OSC and people here suggesting that IT is "on topic" and should discussed, I repeat my questions to ease about exactly how PTSC is affected/involved when considering the actual OSC allegations. Further, if such discussion is warranted here, should it not be warranted on most/all message boards within Agora? I've had a little look around, and this is the only "on topic" board giving it any attention - though I admit that I did not check out the boards of those frequently touted mining stocks which are the likely OSC target.

Summing, IMO any discussion of an SEC investigation of anything relating to PTSC should stop immediately simply because it's incredibly stupid, and discussion of Agora's problems don't belong here unless someone can effectively demonstrate how it relates directly to PTSC today - not for a brief time years ago, but today.

Am I correct in assuming that we're actually in pretty close agreement? I only suspect such because I honestly believe your "being it on" statements are intended to be facetious, as I would expect you to recognize the pitfalls of such action. Likewise Milestone's comments along these lines.

JMHOs, and expect no further comments from me on either of these subjects.


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