Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.
in response to greeneyes111's message

I assume you are refering to me..

I have come to the conclusion that our Market cap places us in a very vulnerable position, and I don't like it.. why are we this low?? T3? reexams? Quanta/LG? The Js 'settlement'? The Q? At the very least, in the case of a merger with TPL, we would be valued much lower than them.. they would demand a large portion, or perhaps all of our nonissued shares.. and probably the Preferreds also.. Both of those occurances could have significant negative affects on our pps.. thru further dilution (ie 500M OS, and/or preferred divys going to TPL, and no divys to shareholders).. You your self have said 'there is a standing offer on the table for MMP' You think Leckrone wants to pay full market value?? Prev recent posts have pointed out that the MMP tallied more in the first 6 months or so than the last yr and a half.. How does that factor in valuation... How long has our market cap been under $250M?? There are the unkowns.. Reexams, Quanta/LG, T3.. thank Goodness the S.1145 went away.. The Js settlement, the recent Q.. RG has stated multiple times there is no more cash coming from the Js.. Why would he do this? Why would he deliberately misguide retail? IF he is, who is telling him to do so? To the extent of what PTSC can divulge in the Q? IMO the MMP retains extrodinary value, but it is vulnerable at these levels.. yet very desirable.. and IMO Leckrone has his sights set directly on it and its revnenues.. Again you yourself have made mention of the questionable way PDS is currently set up. TPL has all the power.. they run the show.. I don't like this senario with our market cap down around our ankles. If we were sitting at $1.50 - $2 I'd still feel we were undervalued, but I wouldn't feel nearly as vulnerable as I do at 30 cents per share.

All parties are pleased... Pohl is gone, Turley is gone, RG & Schrock weren't there... who knows what pleased the ones left on our BoD?

I have been in this stock since late Dec '99.. It has been an eye opening experience.. esp with the most recent Q. I have concerns with how TPL is handling the MMP.. and affecting my/our shareprice..

What if Leckrone wanted to merge next month before, any reexams results? What would determine the price? What someone has said it is worth in the past, or the numbers that it has realized... esp recently? What about SC/Quanta/LG.. that have any affect? Would Anyone trying to aquire the MMP at this time be taking a chance? Could that further reduce its asking/offer price? After all, it potentially could be worth next to nothing.. Personally I believe the '336 & '148 Reexams have an excellent possibility of resolving in our favor.. esp given the Ward Markman.. My guess is Leckrone agrees with me.. but here we sit.

Some have stated the 'legalities' concerning what may or may not be going on.. I actually think they're right, it should be a big deterent (I hope to h it is).. but saying it & then proving it and paying for it are two very different animals. IMO becareful if that is what you pin your hopes on.

If we were to merge with TPL, would the NDAs & secrecy end? Why would they end then? Would they then promote us as we have all begged for? TPL would probably eventually want the sp to appreciate.. tho by then they very well may have fleeced PTSC for everything they could.. at the very least perhaps that is what I hold out hope for... eventual appreciation on their timeline.


I have no idea who Britania is.. I swear I am not 'trying to push the price down' for any reason or entity.. I'm a working smuck, like the vast majority of people here, who has a lot of money in this stock.. but I have come to the conclusion that, with us trading were we are, all issues need to be considered and discussed... esp when we are talking about something as valuable and desirable as the MMP.

How can one justify only telling potential investors what you want them to hear? IMO that's not fair.


the above is my opinion only, as misguided or as on target as it may be.

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