Patriot Scientific

Patriot Scientific Reports Profitable Quarter; Q3 FY '08 Net Income $6.3 Million or $0.02 Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share.

What I consider to be the most serious consequence of Brian resigning is not that he no longer will be our voice to the Board but the method in which he was "hounded" from this volunteer postition. His only agenda over the years has been to advocate for a strong company which would lead to a appreciated share price for all shareholders. He spoke from the postition of being a Major shareholder, one of the companies largest. He had/has the most to gain from appreciation and nothing to gain from status quo and yet to read some of the recent post one would think that all that has gone wrong can and should be laid at his doorstep. I had warned Brian that his taking on this task was a no win situation and sadly many of the posters on this board proved me right.

Folks, as investors we all have different agenda's, goals and desires but as the saying goes "United we stand divided we fall" This says it all when it comes to Patriot. If we had stood behind Brian and let the Board know that we were united in what he presented to him it quite possibly may have been a different situation. Instead of emailing our thoughts to him so he could colate and present them to the Board, posters on the Board berated him for not posting on the Board. It was forgotten that he was to present the shareholders position and desires to the Board not the other way around. He not only had to fight to get through to the Board of Directors but he had the constant nipping at his heels from posters on this and other blogs. So, from this investor I want to thank Brian for being there for me and for all of us and may he stay vocal in his concerns and knowledge with the best interest of us all in mind.

Now on a different tack (I feel I am on a roll here so please bear with me). Good bad or indifferent our stock languishe due to indifference, i.e. lack of trading.

We can all ageee that we lack adequate, clear and consise communicatioon from the company. Hawk and the company gives us double speak which is meaningless to those of us who are familar with the company and it's history. What do you think it sounds like to potential investors?

Notice the low daily average volume of our company and I think that best describes on why our company is languishing where it is. A company with close to 400 million shares outstanding should have daily volume in the multi millions, news or no news but after all these years the story of Patriot is still not out in the mainstream public. For all the money we spend on our media advisers we are getting nothing back on any sort of a measurable basis. Our shares should be higher based upon our story (bb company with no debt and making a profit that has paid dividends) even without a possible exciting future story. I know some of you are saying that we are trading at what the market wants us to trade at but I would like to assert that the Market has not been given enough CLEAR information on us on a consistent basis to be able to make an accurate "market price" decision.

Okay, enough rambling other then what we need to insist on is that the company really ramp up a marketing and media campaign regarding Patriot Scientific. We have the money to do this properly and the results will bring I feel, a proper and appreciated return. In addition I want to state that I hope that Brian hang in there and be the leader he always has been to move this company in the right direction.

Okay, I think my meds have started wearing off and I better sign off and hope that my line of thinking is picked up by others and somehow is able to move the company to let the world really know our story. Proper marketing will sell refrigerators to Eskimo's. I will repeat UNITED WE STAND.........

God Bless


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